Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Prime Minister's visit to Yasukuni could be misconstrued as condoning war
KURIYAMA Takakazu / Former Ambassador of Japan to the United States

February 5, 2014
Prime Minister Abe's visit to Yasukuni Shrine predictably caused big repercussions both at home and abroad. In Japan, the strong backlash from China and the Republic of Korea may have been within expected parameters, but the expression of "disappointment" by the United States government was met with surprise and made big headlines. In view of the signal sent by the United States government through the visit last October of Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to the Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery for the Unidentified War Dead, however, its disappointment could be seen as an understandable response to having had its signal ignored.

In fact, what drew my attention was how the Japanese public saw it. According to the polls, opinions were divided roughly evenly, on the surface, between those for and against the visit. However, it seemed that a great many felt, regardless of the controversial enshrinement of the Class A war criminals there, that it was only natural to pray for the souls of those who had perished in the war and that other countries had no business accusing the Prime Minister on his visit to the shrine. Even those who were against the visit apparently took issue not so much with the propriety of the visit itself but were posing the question "Why now, at this timing?"

Here, it is important not to lose sight of the larger question posed by the visit to Japan as a nation.

Let us recall the three key words contained in the statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama on August 15, 1995, the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II; "colonial rule", "aggression" and "fact of history". These words were repeated ten years later in the statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on the anniversary of the end of the war.

Postwar Japan committed itself both at home and abroad to accepting as facts of history its colonial rule and aggression based on its "self-righteous nationalism" (the Murayama Statement) before and during World War II, making a clean break with the past, manifesting its "remorse on the war" through actions (the Koizumi Statement) and living as a nation committed to peace. It is precisely these elements that define the basis on which postwar Japan stands in the international community.

Howard H. Baker, Jr., one of the few American political leaders who knew Japan well and served as Ambassador to Japan under the administration of President George W. Bush, visited Yasukuni Shrine to see for himself why the visit there by then Prime Minister Koizumi was causing such a stir. When he went to Yushukan, a kind of museum adjacent to the shrine, he is said to have been shocked to see the exhibits there, which traced the reckless course of action taken by Japanese militarism in an apparently affirmative light. Some parts of the exhibits have been subsequently changed, but the U.S. media continue to take a critical view akin to Ambassador Baker’s impressions. I find this regrettable.

In the first half of the 20th century, Japan followed "a mistaken national policy" (the Murayama Statement), under which many Japanese fought on the battlefield and lost their precious lives. It was on these invaluable sacrifices that the edifice for a peace-loving Japan was built.

Many Japanese realize that we must not forget our remorse for past mistakes. At the same time, they want the international community to appreciate the tireless efforts made by postwar Japan as a nation committed to peace and dedicated to international cooperation. As a matter of national sentiment, they find it hard to accept the criticisms levelled against Japan by China and the Republic of Korea in disregard of such efforts on the part of Japan. At the same time, in order to overcome the problems arising from conflicting perceptions of history, Japan, for its part, should take care not to give rise to unnecessary misunderstandings on the part of other countries.

What lies at the core of the Yasukuni visit is that it could give the impression of endorsing a view of history that would be inconsistent with the basic tenets for postwar Japan set out in the statements by Prime Ministers Murayama and Koizumi.

Wouldn't we first need to dispel such an impression if our prayer for the souls of the war dead and our pledge never again to wage war were to be more persuasive to the international community?

Takakazu Kuriyama is a former ambassador of Japan to the United States. The article first appeared in the Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper dated January 21st 2014.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

首相靖国参拝 ― 「戦争肯定」誤解の恐れ
栗山 尚一 / 元駐米大使

2014年 2月 5日













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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Prime Minister's visit to Yasukuni could be misconstrued as condoning war