Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

I am Charlie, or am I really?
CHINO Keiko  / Journalist

March 10, 2015
The tragedy that befell the French satirical weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo drew a crowd of 3.7 million people in Paris, the largest ever since the end of the Second World War, to mourn the victims and defend the freedom of speech, turning Place de la République into a veritable forest of banners and placards bearing the slogan "Je suis Charlie (I am Charlie)". It was indeed a dramatic spectacle.

It was moving to hear them, silver-haired gentlemen and teen-age girls alike, declaring in unison "I have come here to defend liberty, equality and fraternity."

 Despite all that, I feel that something is not quite right. Freedom of speech is certainly important. But, I must confess that I am not Charlie … not quite. Hence my feeling of uneasiness. Let me try to delve a little into it.

Following the attack on Charlie Hebdo, a series of shootings took place at an anti-terrorism public rally in Denmark. Among the participants in the rally was the cartoonist who had been targeted for assassination since he published a caricature of Prophet Muhammad.

Why is Islam subject to such collective contempt and derision? Surely these detractors of Islam know that the religion rejects idolatry and allows no image, photo or figure of Mohammad in mosques. The caricatures carried in these publications are so vulgar that even non-Muslims find them unpleasant.

Are these cartoonists Christians, or are they atheists? At any rate, one would wish to see in their work some respect for Islam and its followers or, if that is not possible, at least a modicum of consideration or empathy. But none of that is there. Would it be too much to say that what we see instead is hubris and provocation stemming from an absolute belief in one's own values and culture?

Satire has its own merits. As an expression of intelligent, sharp critical spirit laced with wit, it can be effective when directed against those in power. For example, in the Soviet-era Russia, there were many clever satirical cartoons and anecdotes. It was said in those days that there was no truth in Pravda, the Communist Party organ, but there was Pravda (truth in Russian) in anecdotes.

The critical spirit lived on under conditions of severe oppression. Ironically, the severity of the oppression helped sharpen the critical spirit. It was said that anecdotes in Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union became less interesting. I wonder how it is these days. Behind all this was the fraught and tense relationship between those who made criticisms and those who become their targets. I wonder if there was something comparable in the case of Charlie Hebdo.

Another question is whether the Charlie Hebdo incident was a case of violation of the "freedom of speech". It was so, in the sense of shunning any dialogue and resorting to terrorism. However, it is also symptomatic of the failure of multicultural coexistence in European societies, and I feel that this should be taken much more seriously. Lurking underneath are a host of problems such as immigration policy, youth unemployment and the lack of inter-civilizational dialogue.

In October 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party that attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", stirring waves through European societies. This was taken as an honest admission of the difficulty of ethnic integration in Germany where about 20% of the population are immigrants or foreign-born. There are said to be about 4 million Muslims in Germany, and there are probably more in France. They are apparently on the increase in Scandinavia. Has Chancellor Merkel's warning been heeded in European societies?

If we think along these lines, the Charlie Hebdo incident raises serious issues for Japan to contemplate as well.
Keiko Chino is Guest Columnist of the Sankei Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

千野 境子  / ジャーナリスト

2015年 3月 10日











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