- A Lax Japan Spoiled Defendant Ghosn / CHINO Keiko
ゴーン被告を甘やかせた「甘い国・日本」 / 千野 境子
March 10, 2020 - New Coronavirus: Need for effective Public Diplomacy / OGAWA Tadashi
新型肺炎、効果的な対外広報を / 小川 忠
March 6, 2020 - The United Kingdom muddles its way forward.
Can it redress the distortion of the market economy? / KIMURA Masato
一歩後退二歩前進に挑む英国 市場主義の歪みを修正できるか / 木村 正人
March 5, 2020 - ‘Cherry’ Ingram’s Message / ABE Naoko
‘チェリー・イングラム’のメッセージ / 阿部 菜穂子
February 27, 2020 - Defense of Taiwan
-a Test for the U.S. Alliance System in the West Pacific- / KAWATO Akio
日米・米韓同盟の運命を決める台湾防衛問題 / 河東 哲夫
February 25, 2020 - Facing China: Need for a grand strategy amid US-China rivalry for the international order / KAWASAKI Tsuyoshi
中国とどう向き合う 米中秩序戦見据え大戦略を / 川崎 剛
February 20, 2020 - Preventing Global Warming: Should coal-fired power be vilified? / CHINO Keiko
温暖化防止~石炭火力は悪者なのか~ / 千野 境子
February 18, 2020 - What Does the US-China First Phase Trade Deal Mean? / WATANABE Yorizumi
米中第一段階合意をどう見るか / 渡邊 頼純
February 13, 2020 - Counter political repression amid China's detainment of Japan citizens / Ken ENDO
中国による邦人拘束 政治的抑圧に向き合え / 遠藤 乾
January 28, 2020 - What lies behind the detention of a Japanese academic in China / TAKAHARA Akio
中国研究者拘束の背景 / 高原 明生
January 28, 2020
Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見
English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)