Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Courageous Retreat: Japan's Lesson for the U.S.
ONO Goro  / Professor Emeritus, Saitama University

January 6, 2009
These days, the United States seems to be treading on the same path as once led Japan to its failure. Not in the sense, as often alleged, of being tardy in taking bold policy steps. Quite the contrary.

When talking about Japan's "lost decade", many claim that Japan's delay in taking bold policies led to its long- term stagnation. Today, when urging the United States to "learn from Japan's past failure", the predominant official views, including that of the Japanese Government, call for swift and bold policy steps by the United States.

However, it was Japan's rush to take immediate steps to buoy up the economy in disregard of the inherent structural factors that drove Japan into long term stagnation. The true cause for Japan's failure was the failure of its leaders to grasp this. To prevent the unmasking of this human error and misjudgment on their part, these leaders adamantly refuse to this day to reveal the hidden true story. Their fabricated story should not be allowed to dupe the United States, which is in a position to lead the world economy.

After the collapse of the bubble economy in the 1990s, some Japanese economists including myself argued that we had to address this as a structural problem, because the Japanese economy had already entered the stage of maturity, and the task was henceforth not to achieve growth but to push for structural reform. For my own part, I wrote at the time in an influential Japanese economic journal that the Keynesian policy of creating effective demand or the policy to lower the interest rate would be useless until such time that Japan would have completed its structural adjustment and its economy could rebound under its own steam. I said further that room should be left for policies to guide Japan to its desired economic structure once its economy rebounded.

The majority of Japanese economists countered this by saying that the recession had been caused solely by cyclical factors and swift reflationary measures were called for. The Japanese Government bought this argument and went ahead with the policies of low interest rate and deficit financing that were to plague us later. Strangely enough, when the need for Japan's structural reform came to be recognized, the government called on these former proponents of the cyclical theory to deliberate on what structural reform should be put in place. How could they, who had failed to grasp the situation accurately several years earlier, have any idea as to what course the Japanese economic structure should take? Thus began the uncharted voyage of the Japanese economy.

Around that time, as a dyed-in-the-wool proponent of structural reform, I was making the following suggestion to some middle-management economic officials of the Japanese Government:
"To adapt the economic structure of Japan to what has now become a mature society, we should do away once and for all with all the vested rights and interests of the past. In that process, we must be prepared to accept bankruptcies not only in depressed sectors such as a part of manufacturing and construction but also
one of the four major stock brokerage firms as well as several big city banks. We must also be prepared to provide the safety net to see that the negative impacts would not lead to social disorder. That would inevitably require a short-term, concentrated injection of several billions of yen of government money."
The response, without exception, was, "That would bring sure ruin to the Japanese economy!"

What happened as a result? Vast sums of money were injected in an attempt to save the banks and stock brokerage firms, only to see them go bankrupt one after another. There was nil progress in structural adjustment which should have ensued. The injection of government money, conceived originally on a modest scale of \1 billion at most, ended up being nothing more than a palliative. What has Japan been left with? Only the vast accumulated fiscal deficit, which makes us immobile, and zero interest rate. Now, as the period of structural adjustment is over and already well into the new millennium, we no longer have any policy tool whatsoever that we can deploy.

The present U.S. economic turmoil should be seen for what it really is; it is the consequence of the bursting of the bubble, as was the case in Japan. If the people of the United States were to hope for the re-ballooning of the bubble through zero interest rate and the U.S. Government were to inject government money in haste, they would miss the precious opportunity for carrying out structural reform. Given the gigantic scale of the bubble this time, it could spell not just the U.S. version of the "lost decade", but the "lost century" for the entire world.

Democratic societies are prone to be led astray by the voice of the majority. Expectations tend to get the better of the majority. The American people, who have so far enjoyed high standards of living far beyond their means thanks to excessive credit creation should realize that their illusory world has come to an end and they must return to the reality of more modest living. What is required of the U.S. Government is not to re-create the illusion of wealth through re-ballooning the bubble, but to chart the path to soft-land to the sober reality and to provide the minimum necessary safety net. Given Japan's experience, there would be little wonder if there were bankruptcies from among the Big Three, or even from the IT sector which has been a source of American pride. The United States should be prepared to tackle its industrial adjustment and structural reform bearing these eventualities in mind.

A stable equilibrium is arrived at not through a majority decision, but in a realm transcending human intelligence or knowledge. As the actor most responsible for the management of the world economy as a whole, the United States should take a good careful look at all this, and not precipitate itself on an easy path that could end up leading the people of the world to a catastrophe.

The writer is Professor Emeritus at Saitama University.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

米国は日本の失敗から学べ ――時として勇気を持って後退すべき――
小野五郎 / 埼玉大学名誉教授

2009年 1月 6日










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