Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Will America Become Another Canada?
NISHIKAWA Megumi  / Journalist

January 21, 2009
Barack Obama was inaugurated as the President of the United States. As has been noted, his role will be to bring the United States in line with the times amid a major change in the tide that is taking place within the country.

Some see a parallel with 1976, when the American people, weary of the Vietnam War, elected President Jimmy Carter. However, there is a considerable difference between the social structure then and now. Indeed, structural change in U.S. society was what led Obama, a black man, to the highest office of power in the first place. Surely, the American people did not choose him to “take a break.”

There are two points to consider with respect to the scenario for America’s long-term future. The first is demographics, which is rapidly transforming the fabric of American society. French writer Alain Minc describes the United States as a “world country” in the sense that all the diverse ethnic groups of the world are represented within the nation. Today, its population is 66% white, 15% Hispanic, 13% black and 5% Asian. The white population continues to decline in proportion, and will dip below 50% to become one of the minority groups halfway into the 21st century.

Although deep-rooted discrimination persists, the social environment surrounding the blacks has greatly improved. Meanwhile, with respect to Asian and Hispanic immigrants in the United States, French cultural critic Frederic Martel has described how immigrants are gradually integrated into society while preserving their ethnic identity, and admits the United States is better than Europe when it comes to integration policy. In 2005, children of immigrant descent rioted in France, and likewise in the United Kingdom, children of Islamic immigrants instigated simultaneous terrorist attacks. While Europe as a whole has become reluctant and closed-minded to accepting immigrants, the United States has been far more successful in maintaining diversity and openness. The emergence of President Obama is likely to further accelerate the transformation underway in multi-ethnic America.

The second point to consider in relation to the first is the gradual exclusion of WASPs, leaders of America since its founding days, from the central core of the country, and the significance it holds for global politics. WASP is the acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, signifying the white elite. It was the WASPs who immigrated to the New World and founded America to “break with corrupt Europe and create God’s country.” One could say that they had been responsible for the American sense of mission and pride in maintaining world order.

Their exclusion from the center of the nation could diminish America’s sense of mission in the world. And if so, America may become a country like Canada - a country that strives for harmony between diverse ethnic groups at home that does not force its values on the outside world, a country that upholds multilateralism and cooperation. Hopefully, a conciliatory multi-polar world will have emerged by that time, though what will happen if an authoritarian, hegemonic nation emerges remains an open question. While this is about the distant future, the course of transformation in U.S. society is by no means unrelated to the rest of us.

The writer is Expert Senior Writer for the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

西川 恵 / ジャーナリスト

2009年 1月 21日


長期的に米国はどこに行くのかというシナリオに関連して、2点を指摘したい。 第一は、人口動態がもたらしている米社会の急速な変容だ。フランスの作家アラン・ミンクは、世界の多様な人種の縮図を国内に実現しているという意味で、米国を「世界国家」と形容する。現在、白人66%、ヒスパニック15%、黒人13%、アジア系5%。白人の割合は下がり続けていて、21世紀半ばには白人は50%を切って、マイノリティーの一つになる。

根深い差別を依然抱えながらも、黒人を取り巻く環境は大きく改善している。またアジア系、ヒスパニック系の移民について、フランスの文化評論家、フレデリック・マルテル氏(Frederic Martel)は「米国では移民が民族的アイデンティティーを保ちつつ、緩やかに社会に同化していく。移民の同化政策では、欧州よりも米国の方が優れていると認めざるを得ない」と指摘する。05年、フランスでは移民の子どもたちの暴動が起き、英国ではやはりイスラム系の移民の子どもたちが同時テロを起こした。欧州全体が移民受け入れに消極的、内向きになっている中で、米国の方が遥かに多様性と開放性を維持している。オバマ大統領の登場は、この多民族国家・米国の変容に一層拍車をかけることになるだろう。



(筆者は毎日新聞 専門編集委員)
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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Will America Become Another Canada?