Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Religious Resurgence and Diplomacy
UENO Kagefumi / Former Japanese Ambassador to the Holy See

February 14, 2011
Many readers will readily recall that a few years ago, a Danish newspaper carried a satirical cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed, provoking a backlash from Islamic countries. In Western Europe where religion has declined in significance along with secularization, the public voiced their concerns about freedom of expression, but without truly understanding the reason behind Muslim anger.

In Japan as well as in Western Europe, they have accepted the premise that "modernization leads to secularization," and feel little sympathy with sentiments such as fighting and dying for religious values. At the Holy See, where I spent four years as Ambassador until last fall, the Pope continuously laments that, in Western Europe, the life and family ethics is being marginalized through secularization.

Yet, when we cast our eyes across the world, we find that secular Western Europe and Japan are in fact in the minority, and that religion today wields greater influence over the international community. "Religious resurgence" is underway in the Islamic world and in Africa, North and South America and South Asia. Specifically, countries such as Turkey and Egypt are returning to Islamic traditions, the number of Christians has jumped in Africa, religious conservatives are becoming prominent in the United States, and the Orthodox Churches are regaining influence in Russia and East Europe.

At the same time, inter-religious and inter-denominational conflicts have increased over the past years. In countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and India, religious extremists are engaged in an endless wave of terrorism. In the United States and Western Europe, there is growing friction over the construction of mosques and veils worn by Islamic women.

Are foreign policy specialists in secular developed countries giving due consideration to this changing current in the world? In analyzing international trends, they seem far less attentive to religious factors compared with political, economic and ethnic factors. Religion is rarely mentioned in important international documents, and there has been little regard paid to the merits of religion in sustaining peace-building efforts and facilitating rehabilitation and reconstruction in post-conflict processes.

Now, some scholars and foreign policy makers have begun to face up to the tide of religious resurgence and, by reversing their past stance, pay more attention to religious issues.

Madeleine Albright, who served as U.S. Secretary of State in the Clinton administration, has pointed out that U.S. diplomacy was harmed by underestimation of religious factors during the Khomeini Revolution in Iran. Of late, it is being said that it is impossible to foresee a conflict without paying close attention to religious issues.

Some countries have begun to reinforce their system for analyzing religious issues. Iran established a religious issues division within its foreign ministry nearly 20 years ago. The division has since conducted a systematic and comprehensive review of religious issues around the world. In Western Europe, a specialized foreign ministry division was recently established in Germany, and France followed suit. It is particularly noteworthy that a pole religion, the division specializing in religion, was set up in France who adheres to the principle of the laïcité, drawing a sharp line between the domains of politics-diplomacy and religion.

Furthermore, Mr. Francis Campbell, the British Ambassador to the Holy See, gave a lecture in the last autumn in which he stated," religion matters in the world and if foreign policy is to be effective it too must address religion as an issue," hinting at the possibility that the United Kingdom is also moving to organize its system. The United States has already established an Office of International Religious Freedom within the Department of State, which monitors the state of religious freedom in each country.

In light of the tide of religious resurgence, paying close attention to global trends in religion is vital to reinforcing diplomatic power. I hope Japan too will develop a system geared to grasping religious trends in a more organized and systematic manner.

The writer is an civilizational essayist. The article originally appeared in the "Ronten (Viewpoint) Column" of the Yomiuri Newspaper on January 25, 2011.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

上野景文 / 前駐バチカン大使

2011年 2月 14日










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Religious Resurgence and Diplomacy