Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Visit of the Emperor and Empress to the United Kingdom
NUMATA Sadaaki / Emeritus Chairman, The English-Speaking Union of Japan; Former Minister Potentiary, Embassy of Japan in the United Kingdom

July 18, 2024
At the state banquet in honor of Emperor Naruhito at Buckingham Palace, King Charles said that at the core of our partnership is “our close friendship; one based on a mutual understanding of the importance of international rules and global institutions forged from the lessons of history, including its darkest years”. The Emperor recalled the visits to the United Kingdom by his grandfather Emperor Showa and his father The Emperor Emeritus after times of great difficulty, and said, “The Empress and I would like to express our deep respect and gratitude to those people who have dedicated immeasurable efforts to the friendship between our two countries extending firmly into the future”.

Thirty years ago, as Deputy Head of Mission at the Japanese Embassy in London, I was taking pains to coordinate the embassy’s efforts to tackle the eruption of the pent-up grievances of the former British prisoners of war toward the 50th anniversary of the VJ (Victory over Japan) Day, i.e., August 15, 1995. Prime Minister Murayama’s statement on that date of deep remorse and heartfelt apology for Japan’s past actions quietened the media frenzy in Britain. The Embassy went on to grapple with the difficult task of fostering reconciliation with the former POWs and their families. In May 1998, Emperor Akihito, now the Emperor Emeritus, said “At the thought of the scars of war that they bear, our hearts are filled with deep sorrow and pain.”

It was with a sense of personal relief and satisfaction that I heard the words of King Charles and Emperor Naruhito. We had put the chapter of postwar reconciliation behind us and moved into a new era of Japan-UK relations.

The state visit was pervaded by a sense of warmth and rapport between the two monarchs and the two peoples. The Japanese media happily noted the King’s humorous references to Pokemon and Hello Kitty and the Emperor’s account of pub-crawling, British notes and heavy coins in his speech at Guildhall. On television, the image of Their Majesties conversing freely in English with the King and Queen and other VIPs conveyed the relaxed spontaneity of their friendship. In his book “The Thames and I” on his days at Oxford, the Emperor wrote, “even though the river is on the other side of the globe the name of the Thames conjures up in me feelings of affection and nostalgia transcending distance and time.” The Independent of June 24th carried an article captioned “Japanese emperor to be finally reunited with his British love: The Thames Barrier”.

As one who studied at Oxford in the 1960s, I was struck to see how Oxford is steeped in tradition yet reflects the cosmopolitanism and diversity of Britain today; undergraduates walking around Their Majesties in casual T-shirts, female heads of what used to be in my time male-only colleges (Dame Helen Gosh, Master of Balliol College, the Empress’ alma mater, and Professor Jennifer Payne, Warden of Merton College, the Emperor’s alma mater), and the Emperor and Empress dressed in red academic gowns and hats uniquely designed for the occasion at the Honorary Doctor of Law conferment ceremony for the Empress. The Emperor expressed the hope at the luncheon hosted by Chancellor Batten that people-to-people ties which transcend national boundaries such as those constantly unfolding at Oxford will become the catalyst for the forging of positive relationships between countries and peoples the world over.

Emperor Naruhito himself noted in his book that British society had been sufficiently flexible and discerning to ensure that there was no confrontation between the old and new Britain. At the banquet held in Guildhall in honour of the Emperor, Lord Mayor Michael Minelli called the City “a timeless home for global innovation”. The Emperor expressed the hope that his visit would provide an opportunity to pass on to the next generation the leadership role in resolving the challenges common to mankind.

There have been trials and tribulations in our relations, particularly during WWII. As one who has been involved in this relationship for nearly 60 years in one way or another, I believe that Japan and the U.K. are now friends like no other.

Sadaaki Numata is a former ambassador to Canada.
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

沼田 貞昭 / 日本英語交流連盟名誉会長・元在英大使館特命全権公使

2024年 7月 18日




1960年代にオックスフォードで学んだ者として、私は、オックスフォードが伝統を堅持しながらもコスモポリタンで多様な今日の英国を体現していることを強く感じた。たとえば、両陛下の前をT シャツで歩き回る学部学生、私の頃は男性のみだったコレッジの女性学長(皇后の母校ベリオール・カレッジのヘレン・ゴッシュ学長、陛下の母校マートン・コレッジのジェニファー・ペイン学長)、そして皇后陛下への名誉法学博士号授与式で赤いアカデミック・ガウンを着て儀式用の独特な帽子を被られた両陛下の姿など。陛下は、オックスフォードで日常的に見られるような、国を越えた人と人とのつながりが、やがて世界中の国々や人々との前向きな関係を紡ぎ出すものに発展していくことへの期待をパッテン総長主催昼食会で述べられた。



一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟

English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Visit of the Emperor and Empress to the United Kingdom