Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

We should resolve the “asymmetry of war memorials”
NISHIKAWA Megumi / Journalist

September 30, 2024
The month of August, the anniversary of the end of the war in Japan, gives us a moment to think about war memorial services. I believe that the time has come to resolve the “asymmetry of war memorials” between Japan and other countries.

The asymmetry of war memorials means that the ceremony of offering flowers and silent prayer by foreign leaders in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior (variously called the Memorial Cenotaph for the War Dead or other names) on the occasion of states visits by foreign heads of state does not take place in Japan.

It is an important international protocol for visiting heads of state to pay their respects to those who have died in the service of their country, and to offer flowers and observe a moment of silence. In late June, the Emperor and Empress of Japan, on their state visit to the U.K., went to Westminster Abbey and laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. In Japan, however, foreign heads of state cannot pay their respects to Japanese war dead, because it is considered inappropriate to visit Yasukuni Shrine, where Class A war criminals are also enshrined, and the Japanese government has not provided an alternative facility.

If such a facility were to exist, and if the U.S. president and other foreign leaders bowed their heads before the memorial, it would go a long way towards lessening the psychological burden of the families of those who died in battles in the Pacific islands and other parts of Asia, in the Battle of Okinawa, and in the Tokyo Air Raid, etc.. Those sentiments may resonate deeply with the postwar generation, who have no experience of war, but nonetheless share the same history as Japanese.

How can this issue be resolved? There are said to be three options: (1) withdraw the enshrinement of Class A war criminals from Yasukuni Shrine, (2) build a national facility, or (3) use of the Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery. The Yasukuni Shrine is negative toward the withdrawal of the enshrinement of Class A war criminals. As for the construction of a national facility, a panel was established in 2001 under Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, which concluded that “a permanent facility is necessary,” but this has been shelved.

Personally, I think that a permanent national facility should be built, but it is uncertain whether this will happen in the near future. In that case, it is realistic to use the Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery as a temporary site. The Yasukuni Shrine enshrines mainly military personnel and not all of the war dead including civilians. Moreover, it is a private religious corporation. The Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery, on the other hand, was completed in 1959 as a national, non-religious facility for all the war dead. The cemetery also houses the unclaimed remains of those who died overseas.

The National War Veterans Memorial Ceremony was held at the site in conjunction with the building’s inauguration in the presence of the Showa Emperor and Empress. Following the Emperor's speech, Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi offered his condolences, saying, “Standing in the sanctuary that symbolizes the spirit of the war dead, I sincerely pray for the repose of the souls of the war dead as they rest eternally in the soil of their homeland

This background makes it clear that the Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery is a memorial facility for all the war dead. However, Yasukuni Shrine, which wanted the cemetery to remain a“storage place” for unmarked remains, used political power in tandem with the bereaved family association to set various conditions for the construction of the cemetery, such as not inviting foreign heads to the cemetery, and allowing only unclaimed remains to be placed there (1953 memorandum). Thus, the role of the present Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery has been blurred and narrowed.

Successive prime ministers, however, have visited the Chidorigafuchi War Cemetery prior to the National War Veterans Memorial Ceremony to be held at the Budokan on August 15. This is proof that the top echelons of the Japanese government have successively recognized that the Cemetery is a national memorial facility for all the war dead, and that they consider it to form a part of the memorial ceremony that immediately follows.

We should seriously consider how unusual it is that foreign leaders to this day have been blocked from the opportunities to commemorate the Japanese war dead because of a promise made more than 70 years ago to a single religious organization. Next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the war. The time has come for the Japanese people themselves to resolve this issue.

Nishikawa Megumi is a contributing editor of Mainichi Shimbun
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

西川 恵 / ジャーナリスト

2024年 9月 30日










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > We should resolve the “asymmetry of war memorials”