Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)/日本からの意見

Expanding the right- and left-wings of politics: Does Japan follow the European example?
NISHIKAWA Megumi / Journalist

January 20, 2025
Last October's general election created a new political situation in Japan. It was the expansion of both the left- and right-wings beyond the traditional established political parties.

For many years, the basic configuration of Japanese politics has been characterized by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) as the most right-wing and the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) as the most left-wing, with other parties going through alliances and ruptures. The party of Reiwa Shinsengumi (RS), established in 2019, was treated as just one of “others” in that year’s Upper House election, implying that it was seen as a party that could disappear at any moment. However, in the recent general election, RS tripled its number of seats to nine, bringing its total number of seats in the lower house and upper house to 14, and thus established a position in the political arena that cannot be ignored. RS advocates radical policies that are further to the left than those of the Communist Party, such as “payment of seasonal benefits to help with inflation,” “all-out efforts to buy made-in-Japan products and to bring industries back to Japan” and “government purchase of all agricultural, forestry, and fishery products, etc.”

The Japan Conservative Party, to the right of the LDP, was founded in November 2023 in opposition to the Law for the Promotion of LGBT Understanding passed in June of that year. It made its political debut by winning three seats in its first general election. The party's philosophy is to “protect Japan's national identity and traditional culture,” and it takes a backward-looking stance on accepting refugees. In terms of immigration policy, it calls for a review of the government's policy of allowing family members to come to Japan with immigrants and, from the security viewpoint, the party calls for rigorous selection of the countries of origin when accepting foreign students.

In Europe and the United States, there have been clearly discernible trends such as the expansion of both the right- and left-wings of politics, radicalization, and populism since the beginning of 21st century. While in the United States, the left-wing and right- wing radicals have been contained within the framework of the two major political parties, the Democrat and the Republican, in Europe, radical parties have been established on both wings, transcending traditional political parties. In this respect, Japan is similar to Europe.

In major European countries, the radical populist parties hold the casting vote and wield political influence.

France's far-right “Rassemblement National” (RN) and the radical left “La France Insoumise “(LFI) made great strides in the general elections last July, and President Macron's ruling party failed to gain a majority, leading to the formation of the Barnier minority cabinet. However, in December, the LFI, which opposed the proposed budget for fiscal 2025, submitted a motion of no confidence, which was supported by the RN. The cabinet collapsed and the budget proposal was buried, severely damaging the credibility of President Macron's rule.

In Germany, the right-wing “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), formed in 2013, became the first or second party in the state parliamentary elections held last September in three former East German states. General elections are scheduled for February this year, and the AfD is in second place with 18% support, behind the opposition, center-right Christian Democratic and Social Union (CDU/CSU) with 32%. It is ahead of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Green Party, which forms a coalition with the SPD, with 14% each.

In Italy, the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia (FDI), founded in 2012 with its origins in the fascist movement, won the general election of 2022, and the FDI-led party leader, Giorgia Meloni, is currently leading a center-right government as prime minister. However, the Meroni administration, though tough on illegal immigrants and refugees, pursues pragmatic policies in other areas.

The populist parties in the three countries, with the exception of the RN, are young emerging parties. Their rise to power, similarly to what has happened in the United States, is due to opposition to elite-led politics, skepticism toward globalism, dissatisfaction with the uneven distribution of wealth, opposition to illegal immigration, and other factors. These populist parties are also advocating fiscal stimulus to raise social security and the minimum wages and also tend to put their own country first. The opposition to the European Union and the opposition to aid for Ukraine also have their roots here. The division of public opinion has created a deep dividing line in European society such as my country first versus international cooperation, expansionary fiscal policy versus fiscal soundness, have-nots versus pro-regime elites, etc. In terms of political ideals, the left calls for policies that eliminate discrimination based on race, gender, disability, etc., while the right emphasizes nationalistic values and opposes the excesses of political correctness.

The new political situation in Japan that emerged from the general election can be seen as a spill-over of the European political and social phenomena with a time lag of about 20 years. The antipathy toward the elite class was evident in the recent election of the heads of municipalities, and the growing discomfort with the increasing number of MPs who inherit their parliamentary seats from their parents can be seen in the same context. In terms of the uneven distribution of wealth, Japan does not have as big a disparity between the rich and the poor as in Europe and the United States, but even so, there are a gradually expanding number of people who feel themselves impoverished. The immigration and refugee problems are not as serious as in Europe and the U.S., but hate speeches against foreigners are still rife on social networking sites.

In Japan, populist parties have not yet come to dominate the political scene as they have in Europe. In the medium to long term, however, the era of the LDP and Komeito (junior coalition partner) holding a stable majority is likely to end, and the country will shift to a more painstaking political process similar to that in Europe, in which new parties are brought in and recombined to secure a majority. Also, more new political parties will emerge.

In this process, Europe’s experience will serve as a cautionary tale for Japan. In Europe, the multi-party system has sharpened antagonisms and conflicts among political parties and accelerated the division of public opinion. The key to avoiding such situation is to build a consensus among political parties based on compromise and persuasion, and to carefully forge consent. This will ensure inclusion, rather than exclusion, of particular popular opinions. The multi-party system should not condemn society to rupture.

Nishikawa Megumi is a contributing editor of Mainichi Shimbun
The English-Speaking Union of Japan

西川 恵 / ジャーナリスト

2025年 1月 20日










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English Speaking Union of Japan > Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW) > Expanding the right- and left-wings of politics: Does Japan follow the European example?