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IPSC 2024 日本代表 鈴木真生子さん 感想文

IPSC: International Public Speaking Competition

IPSC2024 感想文
IPSCで過ごした1週間は、私の人生にとって転機となる非常に有意義な時間でした。今年のお題は「A great leader can change the world in an instant」でした。このテーマを通して、リーダーシップとは何かを深く考えさせられました。最初は、今までの学校生活を振り返り、学級委員として過ごした経験をもとに話そうと思っていました。しかし、スピーチ執筆中の1月1日の能登半島地震を経験したことで、その考え方は大きく変わりました。この出来事がきっかけとなり、すべての原稿を捨ててゼロから書き直すことを決意しました。

The week I spent at IPSC was a significant experience in my life. This year's theme was "A great leader can change the world in an instant." Through this theme, I was deeply prompted to reflect on what leadership truly means. At first, I had planned to talk about my experiences as a class representative during my school years. However, after experiencing the Noto Peninsula earthquake on January 1st while writing my speech, my thought had changed. This experience led me to change my previous drafts completely from scratch.
Japan is often referred to as a disaster-prone country, and since childhood, we have continuously learned how to prepare for such disasters. It is impossible to completely prevent disasters. As a Japanese proverb goes, "Disasters strike when you least expect them," disasters are a recurring challenge we must face. For this reason, the importance of leadership during such times is especially high. In times of disaster, it is easy for us to think, "What others will do for us?" However, I strongly believe that in order to bring out effective leadership, we must have the mindset and focus on "What can we do?" rather than leaving things to others. Education is essential for such leadership.
I believe that everyone has the potential to be a leader. However, in order to bring out them, the right knowledge and experience are necessary. In my speech, I highlighted the importance of rethinking leadership through examples such as my geography assignment from high school and the miraculous survival stories of elementary school children from Kamaishi. When considering leadership, many tend to focus on becoming a good leader themselves. However, what is even more important is thinking about how everyone can become a good leader.
At the IPSC finals in London, there were not only speech contests but also workshops to improve speech skills and sightseeing opportunities, which allowed me to gain invaluable experiences. During the training, I practiced delivering speeches with emotion and trained my impromptu speech skills. Although I had thought that I am good at making a speech, I was surprised by the high level of the other participants and realized lacked technical skills. Through this experience, I became even more determined to refine myself and deepen my learning.
This experience was extremely valuable and meaningful for me. Meeting participants who gathered from all around the world came from diverse backgrounds had broadened my perspective and strengthened my desire to continue learning.
Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the judges of the national preliminaries, Ambassador Numata, Ambassador Matsunaga, and everyone at ESUJ who provided guidance, as well as to the teachers at the UK headquarters. I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to participate in this event.


IPSC 2023 日本代表 髙橋亜芽梨さん 感想文

IPSC2023 感想文
IPSCで過ごした期間は、私にとって非常に充実した経験でした。新型コロナウイルスの影響で4年ぶりに対面で行われましたが、直接顔を合わせ、英語で交流をし、他の参加者のスピーチを聞くことの大切さを改めて感じることができました。このコンテストは、16歳から20歳の学生が参加できるため、今年20歳の私にとっては、最後のチャンスでした。今年のIPSCのスピーチのお題は、「You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.」でした。私たちは常に相手に良い印象を与えようと努力しますが、 「良い印象」の定義は国や人によって異なります。例えば、日本人の思う「良い子」とアメリカ人の考える「良い子」の定義も大きく異なることがあります。また、就職の面接で審査に最も影響を与えたのが「顔」だったという研究結果まであります。つまり、第一印象をどう受け取るかは、その人の文化的背景や思考、そして偏見と深く関わっているということです。今回のスピーチのお題の通り、第一印象を変えることは難しいかもしれません。しかし、相手の印象をどう受け取るかは、私たちが視野を広げることで変えることができます。多様性が進む世の中で、相手に良い印象を与えようと努力するのではなく、私たちがどう相手の印象を偏見なく正しく受けとるか、に重点を置くことの方が大切なのではと思い、今回のスピーチ原稿を作りました。

Ameri Takahashi
「The experience through IPSC」
In the last few weeks, I attended the world's largest English speech contest, IPSC (International Public Speaking Competition). We were able to attend this competition face-to-face for the first time in four years since the Coronavirus outbreak. The students aged 16-20 are able to apply for this competition, so this year was the very last chance for me to win the national competition, and to attend the world competition held in London. The competition brings the best young speakers from all over the world to London for a week of cultural exchange and public speaking contests. Established in 1980, it now reaches over one million young people in more than 40 countries across the globe, showcasing the highest standard of public speaking, while giving delegates an opportunity to meet and engage with other young people of different backgrounds and nationalities.
Finalists, the national winners of the English-Speaking Union or other public speaking competitions in their country write and deliver a speech connected with the theme for the year’s competition. The given speech topic for this year’s semi-final competition was “We do not have a second chance to make a first impression.”, and my speech title was “First Impression; Overcoming Our Biases”. I talked about how the first impression is closely related to our unconscious biases. I argued that instead of caring about how we are looked at by other people, people and society should change their negative mindsets, broaden our perspectives and experience different cultures and develop Self-awareness to overcome unconscious prejudice. I came up with this topic because in Japan, there are many restrictions and social norms which are related to first-impression-biases, like school rules and job interviews: not allowed to dye or braid their hair, restricting the way they behave and putting them in the created image of “good students” based on gender biases, placing emphasis on their facial beauty or ugliness. It was a great pleasure for me to deliver this speech in front of a large audience so that I can point out the issues that most of us have in our society. Although I was not able to win the semi-final competition, I was able to perform my best, since the organization provided speech training during the competition week.
The unique thing about this speech contest is that we do not give only a prepared speech, but also we have a Q&A session after the speech, and also we give an impromptu speech. During the Speech training, we delivered our presentation about their country. All the contestants’ presentations were very unique, and I got so much information about them that I could not get it from websites or social media. There was also a trainer who taught us how to deliver speech better, with our body language, expression, and language use. At this point, I realized that how I had a very limited expression when giving a speech and was able to improve my speech through the feedback I got from other contestants.
The greatest part of this competition was that it was not only about competing with others but was able to also make 36 friends from various countries with different cultural backgrounds, stay at the same hotel, and did a lot of social activities with them. The weeks I spent with all the contestants, and coaches will be my best memory, and I really hope that this competition will continue for all the teenagers in the world to broaden their perspectives and dream.


YouTube IPSC 2024 Winner 

YouTube でも他の動画もご覧いただけます。


2017年 10月 8日 2017 ESUJ Debate Workshop for High School Students
ESUJ 高校生対象ディベートワークショップ
Session 1: 英国ディベーターの Ethan から学ぼう!
Session 2: ディベート実践ワークショップ

This House believes that the EU should abandon its commitment to the principle of open borders between member states.
動画:Session1  動画:Session1&2

第 1 部 Public speaking の活用の現場とその必要性
第 2 部 Why debate? 英国流ディベートとは?
第 3 部 Model debate (→Q&A動画へ続く)

This House believe that social media (such as Facebook and Line) is anti-social. 


動画:第 3 部 Q&A
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